Úvod / Dámske parfumy / Sergio Tacchini Always With You, Toaletná voda 100ml, Tester

Dostupnosť: skladom

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15,40 €

Dostupné varianty tohto produktu

Sergio Tacchini Always With You, Toaletná voda 100ml, Tester
Sergio Tacchini Always With You (W)
Sergio Tacchini Always With You, Toaletná voda 100ml, Tester Sergio Tacchini Always With You, Toaletná voda 100ml, Tester skladom
15,40 €
Sergio Tacchini Always With You, Odstrek s rozprašovačom 3ml
Sergio Tacchini Always With You (W)
Sergio Tacchini Always With You, Odstrek s rozprašovačom 3ml Sergio Tacchini Always With You, Odstrek s rozprašovačom 3ml skladom
10,00 €

Sergio Tacchini

Sergio Tacchini Always With You, Toaletná voda 100ml, Tester

SKU 80642
Balenie Toaletná voda
Určenie Pre ženy
Hlava bergamot, citrón, jablko
Srdce konvalinka, ruža, červená bobuľa
Základ céder, pižmo, santalové drevo